We were invited by my mom's mom for tea again. My uncle gave us a ride to town. It was a hot day and I'm sure it was just the first day of a heat wave that would last the rest of our trip. My mom and uncle took me to an ice cream stand from their childhood. Well not exactly childhood but still a long long time ago. I know this is just my opinion but traditional Russian ice cream is so much better than Italian gelato. Too me gelato is too sweet and isn't as creamy as this traditional Russian ice cream. My mom loves it too.

We all enjoyed some Russian ice cream on a stick at my grandma's but my grandma left her's on a plate and it melted quite a bit before she got started. After some tea, the heat felt hotter so I went out to rollerblade a bit. Yesterday I saw a ledge with perfect construction for some grinding action. I put one coat of wax on it and it was already sliding better than most. A lot of the youth rollerblade in the town of Urga but none with skates like mine. I should have charged the for the photos or videos they were taking with their phones. An old lady ruined my fun because like most people she was terrified of things she didn't understand. She asked if I saw all the little kids around. I tried being really polite and telling her that of course I did and thats why I patiently wait until there is no one near the ledge. She said she was going to call the police. My uncle is a high ranking officer in Urga and his son was with me so we just laughed and said his dad will show up to encourage me. Somе security jerk-off showed up and asked me the same question as the old lady.
JO: Don't you see the little kids?
Me: Of course, don't you see I have eyes?
JO (trying to be intimidating): Well...listen here –
Me (interrupting): If I couldn't see them how would I be doing what I'm doing?
JO: Go skate at the skatepark.
I don't think I was being that rude. It was a friendly conversation by Russian cultural standards. Being polite never got nobody nowhere here (Russian language likes to stack negatives too). My mom says people are scared of friendly people here. The skatepark he was talking about is an asphalt field a little bigger than a basketball half court but only four pieces of metal in it. Their arrangement doesn't make any sense either but I guess I can't complain about it except the fact that if it wasn't there I might have been able to skate that awesome ledge a little longer.
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