Russia is funny because all this country villages are right next to the cities. Wish I had a picture to illustrate this point. I saw 20 story sky scrapers in the middle of neighborhoods like these.

If you thought American gas station toilets were bad and because no Russian travel blog would be complete without a photo of a "little house". Believe me when I say this is the rule not the exception. I could make a whole book out of these.

I also love how they don't tear down the old buildings but remodel the old.

Can't say much about this one except that Russians love their roots. Even if those roots happen to be just a generation ago.

Once again, Russian cloud kick @$$.

There are stores in Russia where they fill different size beer bottles straight from the tap. How awesome is that? From half-liter to four-liter bottles.

I know these bread, potato, tomato, and cucumber dinner pictures are getting repetitive but look beyond them to see the real Russian treats.

After dinner, I went skating with my cousin and her boyfriend. She's definitely a more able rollerblader than him. That's why he's flipping off the camera.

They took me around their university and I finally found some decent art.

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