I met Anne's boyfriend's godfather's daughter, a nice girl, Martina. She spoke english well enough for us to chat until we had to go. Anne said she was a good girl which is supposed to be pretty rare. After the beach, Anne took me to the doctor because I didn't completely fight off my strep throat. He prescribed me some new antibiotoic and a spray that was supposed to help with the swelling and pain. My American doctor didn't prescribe anything to me for the pain which kinda irritates me because when I saw the doctor in America I was seriously in about 100 times worse condition. I consider myself lucky to catch the symptoms early enough to avoid the sleepless nights, difficulty breathing, and general pain. Afterwards we took a walk to the pizzeria. We ate our pizzas at home with some beer, a timeless combination. (Author's note: The whole your not supposed to mix antibiotics with alcohol thing is a myth. Don't believe me? Google it or ask your doctor. I asked a doctor in America and a doctor in Italy. Both said it doesn't make a difference. Italian doctor said the food I eat could be more of a problem then booze.) After dinner, I took a shower and called Martina and we met near her house for some gelato. I skated to get there and the looks I got from people who have never ever seen rollerblades were classic. We took a walk to piazza di papa (pope's plaza) and then we both went home because it was late.
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