Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Week before depature

So the next few posts are going to be like a prequel.
I'll admit that the going away party the Blurb gang threw me left me feeling pretty hurt. I was already feeling sick before EZ5 but the morning after felt more like general sickness than alcohol overdose sickness. Nobody believed me and said I was just hungover. Consequently, I avoided drinking the rest of the week. Except this one time. I ate breakfast and napped by the pool till mid afternoon.
Sunday morning, I realized I had a lot of money in my bank and only a week to spend it. No doubt, I got to work and took a couple of the younger rollerbladers from my town to Novato for a nice Sunday afternoon skate session. Felt sick the whole time but stayed medicated to keep my mind off it. When I got back I went to the park to watch some friends whack a softball with a metal bat and spin on the merry go round till we all got sick. Watched Shaun of the Dead. Great movie.
Monday, I tried telling my mother I wasn't feeling well and she jokingly asked if I was still recovering from my going away party. I recalled how I came home that night and broke something almost immediately so I shut up and didn't say anything more. I felt like I had a pretty nasty sore throat but I continued telling people I was just recovering from a hangover. I knew it was bullshit but I didn't want my friends to think I was sick. I was having problems breathing and swallowing but I couldn't let people think I was infectious quite yet.

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