Sunday, 8 July 2007

с днем рождения валера

After the airplane, we enjoyed a scenic and nostalgic ride through Novisibirsk and the country side with my uncle, Valera.

My cousin, Masha, was at home preparing a birthday dinner. Since I've been unemployed for quite some time, I jumped at the first opportunity for some old-fashioned manual labor. Real rewarding.

Valera built the house with the help of his family. It's a good house and it has a good view of the sunset from the patio.

They have a 2 month old kitten. It's so tiny and cute.

Valera's birthday feast.

Valera reading a giant birthday card.


Lighting the birthday candles.

Cutting the birthday cake

My cousin, Slava, bought some fireworks as a special surprise for the special occasion.


Unknown said...

Does that kid look like Den or is it me? Aw, man, I miss Russia.

Unknown said...

..and I'm totally living through you right now. @_@ I feel like a stalker.