Saturday 23 June 2007

Second Lazy Tuesday

I declare Tuesdays my unofficial rest and recover days. My parents caught the train to Napoli but I was too terrified. I slept until the afternoon. Tried going out to find some people who speak English but I was mostly unsuccessful. I managed to order a huge Pizza Pocket for super cheap. It was a full meal within itself and, of course, tasted amazing like everything else Italian. I started to feel heat stricken walking around on the streets and retreated to my air conditioned hotel room to catch up with my internet life until my parents got back from Napoli. They went to some underground tunnels below Napoli that used to provide water for the city.

We loved the restaurant from last night so much that we went again.

Grandpa Pizza!

Huge chunk of mozarella cheese wrapped in a crispy thin pasta. Caserta is known for its exceptional mozarella.

"I'm gonna eat you, little lamb"

It's not the angle, that wine glass really is the size of my head. Yes, MY head.

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